Wild Magpie Goose with Buddy’s Secret Sauce



1 harvested Wild Goose

half a purple cabbage roughly chopped

half an onion for presentation

red wine vinegar



Buddy’s secret marinade that is actually a secret other than the garlic and lemon


Cook the goose on the fire, continuously checking back in to add secret sauce and lemon throughout the cooking process for moisture and flavour.

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Once the goose is near cooked, add the purple cabbage on the fire to char, with some salt for taste.

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In a pan add sugar, red wine vinegar and currents to simmer.

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Place the onion straight onto the grill to char and to steam the onion on the inside.

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Plate up Starting with the cabbage on the base, then separate the steamed onion petals and place them onto the cabbage. Carve some goose and place it onto the cabbage and onion. Add the current and red wine sauce to finish.

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